Author: VEGAS-Team
The VEGAS team is made up of our PR and social media professionals, as well as our VEGAS developers. Spread out over Germany and the USA, we’re united in our passion for the VEGAS tradition and quality. Together, we’re constantly looking out for exciting stories and interesting tutorials to collect and share in this blog.

Brewed in Brooklyn

20 techniques for organizing your VEGAS Pro workspace (Part 1)

VEGAS Pro 14 – A new era begins for video editing

VEGAS Pro 14: What to expect from the new version

Welcome to the world of VEGAS Creative Software

Jabbar Raisani

Faith Granger – Dreams come true with VEGAS Pro

ACID and Vegas: A One-Two Creative Punch

Matt Harding

Gray Television – VEGAS on Duty for Assignment Iraq

Chris Brickler: Documenting Love with VEGAS

Interview: Alex Goot

Ben Kadie

Square Enix – Masayoshi Soken