Author: VEGAS-Team
The VEGAS team is made up of our PR and social media professionals, as well as our VEGAS developers. Spread out over Germany and the USA, we’re united in our passion for the VEGAS tradition and quality. Together, we’re constantly looking out for exciting stories and interesting tutorials to collect and share in this blog.

VEGAS Magazine Holiday Traditions Contest

The winners of the YOUR CITY CONTEST are chosen


VEGAS Pro at the Beverly Hills Film Festival

Edit with pro features in VEGAS Movie Studio 15

Color-Correction in VEGAS Movie Studio Platinum

Breaking the Speed Limit with VEGAS Pro 15

What users say about the new VEGAS Pro 15

VEGAS Feature: Feed Our Children NOW!

VEGAS Pro 15 is here!

VEGAS Pro 15: I’m not supposed to say anything, but…

The unique VEGAS approach to video effects

VEGAS Interview: Faith Granger

Create sophisticated productions with powerful multicam workflow